who could this Dastardly Ruffian be?

A three panel comic. 
      Panel one. On top of a grey background we see a dark silhouette of a person wearing red triangle sunglasses. 
      An orange text bubble containing two white question marks are on the left of the panel. 
      Getting us to wonder who this mystery person could be? 
      Panel two. The silhouette is revealed to be a smiling Mr.Paul Giamatti wearing a dastardly pair of red triangle sunglasses and a checkered suit.
      A spiky orange text bubble on the left of the second panel contains two question marks and one exclamation point. 
      It helps add to the shock and surprise to this stunning reveal. 
      The background of the panel is grey. 
      Panel three. The last panel. 
      On top of an orange background. 
      The same orange color as the text bubbles is now the final panel’s background a long row of white exclamation marks are behind a close up of smiling Mr. Paul Giamatti in his checkered suit wearing his dastardly red triangle sunglasses. 
      We have been GIAMATTI’D!

why it's no other than Mr.Paul Giamatti himself!